With the head buried in the sand of the mighty desert
As the sand storm passes over with me
I feel a deep chill in my spine
Awakening doors and windows that lay closed for eons
Awareness, I never felt before
My trembling feet start taking me in a direction unknown
The heart still doesn’t doubt that it is to the right destination
Or at the least, the path I was destined to travel upon
I see crowds of people looking at me and laughing
I take their ridicule as a challenge which strengthens my resolve
As I venture away from these mortals
I see a faint figure walking on the same path as mine
I gather courage and pace my strides to find this soul
My eyes open up in disbelief
The soul is my own
Was so shaken and forlorn
Thinking I will go where everyone does
Left me in despair
We both huddle and cry in joy
A golden streak of sun thus appear through the dark clouds
We see our rainbow and smile in unison