Let my ignorance speak of the wisdom you know not,
Let my naïve not make you think you are too wise,
For all you know ignorance and naivety is nothing but a disguise,
A garb to stay sane in your insane world,
Let my appearance not befool all you so polished and suave,
Let’s look at self inside out and we will all know
What we are really about
The beauty out is not always a mirror of inner self
A heaven from outside could actually be hell
Your charm, your demeanor, your manners are but a sham
For all of you who live in the world of glam
The beauty lies in the innocence of a child’s smile
Or even in his pranks and harmless guiles
On a budding rose yet not plucked from the plant
In a man wanting so much to make some happy
And still brave enough to take a last chance
In the morning dew drops you step on without looking at
In the tears I shed at all moments of truth I met….