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The Fighter
Pushed, ambushed, annihilated and battered From the struggles, strife and disdain Yet unabashed, unruffled, untouched and unperturbed...
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Once upon a time
Once upon a time... As in all fables & tales The men stood mighty In their glory and gail For they withstood the storms The battles, wars...
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Our first sojourn
Our first sojourn…. Like the feel of the dew on a newly grown leaf Tantalizing thoughts of a life like filled with psychedelic colors...
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Sometimes when you wake up
Sometimes when you wake up Feeling so angry, been so lonely Stand forgotten, no affection Get off from your bed and hear my melody Dress...
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Buttons Of Mind
Buttons of my mind, are so diificult to find Vainlessly thinking of things, Whether they exist or they don't With the perfect eyes, I am...
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From The Dust To Dust And In Between...
From the dust I came To the dust I will go back For the time in between, dust to dust Let me be free To do what I must Let me be...
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Just A Momentous Pause..
Just a momentous pause before my next leap... Just some more time to get the divine sleep I must stay strong to not let this chance gone...
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Life We Live..?
Life we live is no life to live, For life is not just living for self, being selfish and thinking of bygones Life is to be lived for...
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And We Thought He Is The Poorest Of Us All..
In withered clothes and shambled looks How graceful does he look? No qualms no fears of today or tomorrow He is so poor that he doesn't...
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To All You Mortal Beings
Let my ignorance speak of the wisdom you know not, Let my naïve not make you think you are too wise, For all you know ignorance and...
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Will Get Odds To My Favor
How I hate to see those dark clouds…..looming and obstructing the horizon, Ruining all those efforts, hours of toil, So true they say...
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The Secret Place…
The questions that I pondered upon all my life Spent so many nights and days To find where to find the answers Sought for people, places...
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